A Review Of The Butterball Indoor Turkey Fryer

By Juan Antonio

Have you heard all of the recent buzz surrounding the butterball indoor turkey fryer?

One thing I’m sure you have heard about is how yummy deep fried turkey is! The thing is turkey fryers can sometimes be very dangerous. The good news is that it is now possible to get the same delectable taste of deep fried turkey without the dangers of a traditional fryer. Once you have given this new fryer a chance, there will be no turning back! Preparing a turkey in the regular oven will simply be a thing of the past! This is the kind of kitchen appliance that is so versatile you will use it all the time. It isn’t just something that you have to use for turkey. You can use it for steaming, boiling and frying many of your other favorite foods as well.

So what is so unique about this fryer?

One thing that a lot of people seem to like about it is the fact that it is so small and is safe enough to be used in the house. It uses electricity instead of an open gas flame, and the heating element is submerged in order to reduce the chances of a fire occurring. Another thing that is so great about it is the fact that it can cook your turkey incredibly quickly! Believe it or not, this machine will cook a 14 lb bird in about an hour!


The Butterball indoor turkey fryer is made with an outer case of pure stainless steel. You can easily check your food with the fold open lid, and there is even a window for you to view your food through!

You don’t have to worry about spending hours cleaning this fryer either, because there is porcelain lined inner pot that has a drain valve. Most people also say that they are quite fond of the fact that it has a filter in the lid so that steam can come out, but there is less of that odor that you sometimes get with deep frying.

If you are a health conscious person you will really like this fryer. This is because it uses 1/3 less oil than any other turkey fryer out there. Not only will you get lower fat foods with this fryer, but you will also waste less oil! Many people aren’t able to eat fried foods because of the excessive oil used. If you start using this fryer, you would be surprised at the amount of options that will open up to you.

Additionally, there is a digital timer included with thermostat control and a light that lets you know when it’s ready to use.

There is a cooking basket and handle with a drain hook so that you will have an easier time removing the turkey from the oil. It is very safe, and it helps to prevent accidents from occurring.

The Butterball indoor turkey fryer has been getting rave reviews from customers who have already tried it, so you may want to consider this as an addition to your home kitchen appliances!

In case you haven’t found enough reasons to make the Indoor Butterball Turkey Fryer your next kitchen appliance you may also like to know that it uses 1/3 less oil than other turkey fryers. This means healthier frying with lower fat as well as less wasted oil. This must-have fryer is also extremely easy to use with its digital timer, adjustable thermostat control, and power/ready indicator light. The specially designed cooking basket with handle and drain hook makes removing the turkey from the hot oil both simple and safe.

If you are in charge of preparing your Thanksgiving turkey this year or would enjoy eating juicy, tender, crispy fried turkey all year long you will want the Indoor Butterball Turkey Fryer to be your next kitchen appliance.

About the Author:

The amazing Butterball Turkey Fryer is designed with a stainless steel outer case. Its lid folds open and features a convenient viewing window so you can check your food easily.



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